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Cloth Bodies & Cable Tiies

16 inch, 3/4 Arms, full legs - Cloth body

16 inch, 3/4 Arms, full legs / Cloth body - cable ties not included

16 inch, Full Limbs - Cloth Body

16 inch, Full Limbs - Cloth Body/cable ties not included

17 inch, 3/4 arms, full legs - Cloth body

17 inch, 3/4 arms, full legs - Cloth body/ cable ties not included

18 inch, 3/4 arms, full legs - Cloth Body

Cable ties exclued

19 inch, 3/4 arms, full legs - Cloth body

cable ties excited

19 inch, 3/4 limbs - Cloth Body
19 inch, full limbs - Cloth Body
20 inch, 3/4 Arms Full legs - Cloth Body
20 inch - Cuddle Body

20 inch - Cuddle Body

Only 2 In Stock

excluded cable ties

20 inch, Full Limbs -Cloth Bodies

cable ties excluded

Showing items 1-12 of 21
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